Woven Together:

a personal quest,

a grassroots movement,

and a vibrant community

converging to create

something truly extraordinary

My name is Leif,

and I am a passionate advocate on a mission to ​transform the mental health landscape.

Having personally navigated the shadows of ​anxiety, depression, ADHD, and imposter ​syndrome, I know firsthand ​the power of shared ​experiences in ​fostering hope and healing.

My journey is not just about my personal ​struggles, but rather about extending a hand to ​those who feel alone in theirs. I believe that by ​boldly embracing our stories and connecting ​with empathy and understanding,

we can create a world where no one fights ​mental illness alone.

Woven Together:

A Tapestry of Hope, Empathy, and Shared Experiences

4LeifClover, Animus Amplectens, and Haven M;INDS - three distinct threads ​united by a common purpose, interwoven to create a living and breathing ​tapestry of support, understanding, and transformative change

in the mental health landscape.

My personal brand, dedicated to ​spreading messages of hope, ​resilience, and self-discovery through ​creative expression, personal ​experience, and storytelling.

Haven M;INDS

(Mental Health; Inspire, Nourish, Dream, Support)

A peer support community where ​individuals can find belonging, ​share their experiences, and ​access resources to navigate ​mental health challenges together.

A grassroots movement that aims to ​foster a culture of empathy, ​understanding, and unconditional ​acceptance through thought-provoking ​content and community-driven initiatives.

The journey begins when a soul finds a QR ​code, a digital message in a bottle, waiting to ​be discovered. With a simple scan, they unlock ​a world of connection, hope, and unconditional ​acceptance.

Animus Amplectens:

A Digital Message in a Bottle

Each code reveals a heartfelt reminder: "You ​are loved, valued, and part of a supportive ​community." This grassroots movement spreads ​light and love through everyday encounters, ​transforming lives one scan at a time.

Beyond the uplifting message, Animus ​Amplectens serves as a portal to vital mental ​health resources and lifelines. It's a guiding ​light, connecting individuals to the support they ​need and inviting them into the welcoming ​haven of the Haven M;INDS community.

Drop Shadow
Drop Shadow

Haven M;INDS: Connect

As they cross the digital threshold into Haven M;INDS Connect, ​they're immediately enveloped by a sense of warmth and ​acceptance. In this growing virtual space, connection is the ​heartbeat. Welcoming, descriptive channels beckon, each one a ​safe space to share, listen, and grow alongside fellow travelers on ​the path to mental well-being.

With each interaction, members forge deep bonds that transcend ​the barriers of distance and stigma, discovering the power of shared ​experiences and the comfort of knowing they're not alone. Guided ​by compassionate moderators and peer supporters, they navigate ​the challenges of their journey, finding solace in the collective ​wisdom and unwavering support of this extraordinary community.

Haven M;INDS: Gather

Step into Haven M;INDS Gather, a physical sanctuary ​where unconditional acceptance and understanding ​welcome you like a warm embrace. This is a place where ​individuals from all walks of life come together to find ​solace, support, and a sense of belonging that ​transcends the boundaries of their personal struggles.

In this safe haven, vulnerability is celebrated as a ​strength, and shared experiences become the threads ​that weave the fabric of resilience. Whether it is through ​heartfelt conversations, creative expression, collective ​wisdom, quiet reflection, or laughter and camaraderie, ​individuals discover the transformative power of a ​community united in empathy and understanding. At ​Haven M;INDS Gather, they find the warmth, safety, and ​acceptance of a true home - one built on a foundation ​of compassion and unconditional support.

Experience the complete walkthrough here.

Cultivating Connections:

Potential Events for Haven M;INDS


  • Mental Health Mondays: Weekly ​discussion topics focused on various ​aspects of mental well-being

  • Wellness Wednesdays: Guided ​meditations, mindfulness exercises, ​or yoga sessions led by experts

  • Empathy Circles: Small group ​discussions where participants ​practice active listening and sharing


  • Open Mic Nights: A platform for ​individuals to express themselves ​through poetry, music, or storytelling

  • Art Therapy Workshops: Guided ​sessions exploring the therapeutic ​benefits of creative expression

  • Game Nights: Board games, trivia, ​or interactive activities that foster ​connection and laughter

Connect & Gather

  • Expert Q&A Sessions: Mental ​health professionals answering ​community questions in real-time

  • Book Club Discussions: Exploring ​mental health themes through ​literature, both online and in-person

  • Skill-Sharing Workshops: ​Community members teaching each ​other coping strategies, hobbies, or ​life skills

At Haven M;INDS, our events are driven by the needs and ​interests of our vibrant community. We welcome your ​suggestions, feedback, and ideas to help shape our calendar ​and create meaningful experiences that resonate with you. ​Together, we can cultivate a supportive environment that ​fosters growth, connection, and well-being.

4LeifClover serves as a beacon of ​hope, relatability, and awareness, ​illuminating the path for those who feel ​lost in the darkness of their struggles. ​Through its messages of resilience and ​shared experiences, it reminds ​individuals that they are never alone.

Weaving a ​Tapestry of ​Hope

Animus Amplectens, a compassionate ​companion, reaches out to embrace ​every soul, reflecting back to them their ​inherent beauty, value, and worth. It ​serves as a gentle guide, connecting ​those in need with the resources and ​support that can help them navigate ​their challenges with grace and ​strength.

United by a common purpose, ​these three initiatives intertwine ​to create a tapestry of hope, ​empowerment, and ​transformation. Together, they ​shatter the isolation of mental ​illness, fostering a world where ​no one has to face their ​struggles alone - a world where ​every individual is seen, heard, ​and valued for the unique light ​they bring to the world.

Haven M;INDS, the beating heart of our ​mission, provides a sanctuary where ​individuals can find solace and support. ​In the virtual realm, our thriving Discord ​community offers a safe space for ​connection, understanding, and ​growth. And in the physical world, our ​Haven M;INDS locations stand as ​beacons of belonging, offering ​tangible spaces where individuals can ​gather, heal, and thrive together.

Illuminating the Path:

Defining Success Through Reach, Engagement, and Impact


  • Consistently grows its follower ​base month-over-month ​across key social media ​platforms

  • Achieves a high engagement ​rate (likes, comments, shares) ​relative to the account's ​follower count

  • Receives positive feedback ​and messages from individuals ​who resonate with the content

Animus Amplectens

  • The number of locations where ​the physical "message in a ​bottle" QR codes are ​distributed

  • Steady month-over-month ​growth in the number of ​unique QR code scans

  • Increased traffic to the linked ​resources and support content

Haven M;INDS

  • Active participation in the ​Haven M;INDS Connect virtual ​events, with a growing number ​of attendees each month

  • Positive feedback from event ​participants about the value ​and impact of the gatherings

  • Expansion of the Haven ​M;INDS Gather network, with ​new physical locations ​opening in target cities
  • Explore potential funding ​sources, such as grants, ​sponsorships, or ​crowdfunding campaigns ​to support the growth and ​sustainability of Haven ​M;INDS initiatives
  • Establish a volunteer ​program to engage ​community members in ​meaningful roles that ​support the mission and ​operations of Haven ​M;INDS
  • Connect with relevant ​departments at local ​colleges and universities to ​explore partnership ​opportunities that align ​with Haven M;INDS' mission ​and initiatives

Forging the Future:

Strategic Steps to Amplify Impact

  • Establish a process for ​accrediting student ​volunteers who contribute ​their time and skills at ​Haven M;INDS Gather ​centers, providing them ​with valuable experience ​and recognition
  • Develop a comprehensive ​marketing and outreach ​strategy to raise ​awareness about Haven ​M;INDS and attract new ​members to the community
  • Create a roadmap for ​expanding Haven M;INDS ​Gather locations, including ​identifying target cities, ​securing physical spaces, ​and building local ​partnerships

Igniting a Mental Health Revolution:

An Invitation to Collaborate

I am on a mission to transform the landscape of mental health support by ​fostering connection, empowerment, and unconditional acceptance. I believe in ​the power of collaboration to create lasting change.

If this vision resonates with you, I invite you to explore how we can work together ​to amplify our collective impact. Whether through sharing expertise, resources, ​or networks, your partnership can help build a world where no one faces mental ​health challenges alone.

Let's start a conversation about how we can empower mental health, together.

Leif Bello-Romund
